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Event archives

In recent years we have hosted countless events throughout the Republic of Germany, especially in Berlin. Here is a selection of special events we will never forget. 


Ecoalf Fashion Week
Store Event

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Puma Liberty Dinner 

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Super Fit Opening

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Bombay Sapphire BCB Aftershow Party at TRUST Bar Berlin: "The best Bombay Sapphire Party of all time" - the vote within the parent company Bacardi was no less, about the Bombay Aftershow Party from Selekt at the Bar Convent Berlin 2015.


Bombay Sapphire

Bombay Sapphire BCB Aftershow Party at TRUST Bar Berlin: "The best Bombay Sapphire Party of all time" - the vote within the parent company Bacardi was no less, about the Bombay Aftershow Party from Selekt at the Bar Convent Berlin 2015.


UN - AIDS Gala

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VOL 01

Unreasonable Tuesday

Finally! Berlin Tuesdays have a new face again, and an unreasonable one at that!

Exciting people, fantastic locations, the best beats and drinks shake hands once a month.

VOL 01 - VOL 12

Unreasonable Tuesday

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