We are Selekt.
Gormannstr. 24
10119 Berlin
It doesn't matter whether it's a club, party, exhibition or concert: events live from their visitors. The mood of an evening depends crucially on the right guests.
With our support, you have the freedom you need to be able to concentrate fully on the content and business aspects of your event.
Club Selection
The success of an event is usually already decided at the door: through a polite, competent entrance and a consistent selection. Our selectors and hosts are selected and trained according to your needs.
Your wishes and ideas are the measure of all things for us.
Crowd Control
We will also organize your door situation for closed events where no classic selection is required.
We explain your rules to your guests and say "no" in situations in which you, as a consummate host, cannot easily do so.
Our team consists of eloquent personalities, resilient and with a strong sense of style and humor.
We welcome your guests, are available to them as contacts during the event and help wherever the shoe pinches.
We adapt our wardrobe to the occasion. Even disguises or costumes are possible on request.
We create event concepts and implement them. Decades of experience in the catering and event industry, the love of detail and aesthetics, and an almost inexhaustible network guarantee unforgettable events at special locations.
Our own event series - Unreasonable Tuesday (Uv.D) - is an example of one of our concepts.
Rumor Has It
Chris Götz
Senior Communication Consultant, Press Factory
“Most professional events. Always a pleasure and great experience.”
Karolin Brückner
General Manager Hotel Zoo
“Best team in Berlin, probably Germany.”
David Klose
Manager Prince, Berlin
“The staff is lovely. We have
been working with them for years. Always reliable and professional.”
Anna Seifert
CEO Berlin Photo Week
“Such great people. Incredibly
professional, polite and good looking.”